Ontario's grain markets 2020
10 Soybeans in Ontario SOYBEANS ARE THE largest field crop in Ontario. On average, three million acres are planted each year producing 3.8 million metric tonnes. Ontario is also the largest soybean producing province in Canada — on average, farmers here grow 53% of Canada’s total soybean production. Ontario farmers mainly grow genetically modified (GM) soybeans (75% of production). These commodity soybeans are used domestically and internationally within the crush market. The remaining 25% of soybeans produced are classified as non-GM food-grade and are mainly destined for export markets. Combined commodity and food grade exports account for 53% of total soybean demand in Ontario. Commodity soybeans make up 37% of total soybean demand with key markets being China, the European Union, and the United States. Food-grade soybeans make up 17%of total demand and are destined for Asian markets in Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, and China. Food-grade soybeans are used in a variety of different soy food applications including tofu, miso, natto, and soy beverages. Domestic crushing uses 37%of total demand with 29%ending up as soybean meal going into livestock feed and the remaining 7%being turned into soybean oil. The main feed markets are swine, dairy cattle, and poultry. Soybean oil uses include food service (restaurants), food manufacturing, retail, vegetable oil, and industrial uses (such as biodiesel). The remaining 9%of total demand is used for seed purposes and on farm usage. l Since the 2016 report • Production is up 10% • Food grade exports are up 200,000 tonnes • Commodity exports have declined as the supply has moved into domestic crush and on farm use instead Soybeans
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