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Sustainability in the Value Chain

Helping farmers navigate sustainability programs and communicate their achievements.  

Corporate-led or value chain-driven sustainability programs aim to support, promote, and demonstrate on-farm sustainability.

Globally, agriculture and food companies are developing sustainability programs to build resiliency within their business, meet sustainability targets, and communicate environmental and social progress to stakeholders. The sustainability of an agri-food value chain starts with farmers and their approach to managing their operations. Moving along the value chain, each enterprise plays a role in advancing sustainability, from improving internal efficiency to setting targets for their operation’s progress.

Many farmers in Ontario participate in value chain sustainability programs, and Grain Farmers of Ontario is actively working on behalf of farmers to inform and improve the development and implementation of sustainability programs.

Sustainable value chain principles

Grain Farmers of Ontario developed the Sustainable Value Chain Program Principles to help inform the design of sustainability programs that aim to support, promote, and demonstrate on-farm sustainability. The growing interest in on-farm sustainability, coupled with the wide range of program design options, has led Grain Farmers of Ontario to draft these principles, which outline what companies should consider in their sustainability programs from a farm perspective. Integrating farmers’ and local organizations’ perspectives within program design and development should be a priority component of sustainability programs. These principles offer a starting point for companies to understand these perspectives and scope further engagement.

Farmers operate within complex systems and may face different limitations and opportunities. Recognizing this diversity among farmers and the land they manage when applying these principles will be critical in achieving sustainability outcomes valued by farmers and companies along the value chain.

Stakeholder engagement, field observations, and literature informed the drafting of the principles.

Sustainable value chain program principles

Key sustainability initiatives

Insights on sustainability in value chains:

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