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Federal Priorities

Priorities for the 44th Federal Government

We’re asking the Government of Canada to help keep Ontario’s grain farmers competitive so we can continue sustainably producing the high-quality healthy foods that feed Canadians while securing our domestic food supply. Here are Grain Farmers of Ontario’s priorities for the 44th federal government:

  1. Exempt grain farming from the carbon tax
  2. Tax fairness for farmers
    1. Capital Gains Inclusion Rate exemption
    2. Bare & Blind Trust pause on reporting continued
    3. Capital Cost Allowance and Accelerated Investment Incentive Program reinstated
  3. Protect grain farmers from escalating input prices and market volatility by increasing the Agri-Stability ‘trigger rate’ to 85 per cent
  4. Return Ontario grain farmers to an even playing field with U.S. farmers – remove the fertilizer tariffs
  5. Recognizing the significance of renewable fuels as both a market for Ontario grain and a low-carbon fuel source, increase investment to build this market for further future growth
  6. Equitable distribution of research funding to support innovation in the Eastern grain sector
  7. Raise Advance Payments Program funding from $250,000 to $350,000 permanently

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