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Investment in wheat research to benefit Ontario farmers

GUELPH, ON (November 7, 2013) – Grain Farmers of Ontario acknowledges the Government of Canada for its $12.5 million contribution to the National Wheat Improvement Program through the Growing Forward 2 (GF2) AgriInnovation Program.

The National Wheat Improvement Program is a five year (2013-2018) industry and AAFC collaboration. In total, the program is a $25.2 million investment to improve wheat varieties for Canadian producers. It is led by the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) in collaboration with the Canadian Field Crop Research Alliance (CFCRA), the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).

“Grain Farmers of Ontario is grateful for the Federal Government’s support of the Wheat Cluster. We are excited to be involved in this truly national wheat breeding program.” says Henry Van Ankum, Chair of Grain Farmers of Ontario, which is a founding member of the CFCRA. “Combined, CFCRA members are contributing more than $1.7 million toward the activities of the Cluster.”

The goal of this research is to create wheat lines that provide higher yields, have enhanced quality characteristics desired by end users, and have improved disease and pest resistance, with a particular emphasis on Fusarium resistance.

Fusarium was a major concern for Ontario wheat producers this year due to the wet weather we experienced,” says Van Ankum. “Research into Fusarium resistance will help ensure we maintain the quality of our crop.” 

Five research projects in Ontario will receive funding through this program.

Grain Farmers of Ontario

Grain Farmers of Ontario is the province’s largest commodity organization, representing Ontario’s 28,000 corn, soybean and wheat farmers. The crops they grow cover 6 million acres of farm land across the province, generate over $2.5 billion in farm gate receipts, result in over $9 billion in economic output and are responsible for over 40,000 jobs in the province.

Grain Farmers of Ontario

Grain Farmers of Ontario is the province’s largest commodity organization, representing Ontario’s 28,000 corn, soybean and wheat farmers. The crops they grow cover 6 million acres of farm land across the province, generate over $2.5 billion in farm gate receipts, result in over $9 billion in economic output and are responsible for over 40,000 jobs in the province.


Barry Senft, CEO – 1-800-265-0550;
