OMAFRA Extension Support
Principal Investigator
Ben Rosser
Research Institution
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
External Funding Partners
Project Start
April 2016
Project End
September 2018
- Enhance corn extension efforts in Ontario to ensure growers have access to the most up to date information. This project focuses on three main areas: Improved Information Gathering, Enhanced Extension Efforts, and Breaking Issue Support.
- The development and display of demonstration and research trials provides farmers and agronomists with information on production strategies that was gathered and assessed to update best management strategies in corn production.
- The accessibility of timely, high quality information enables producers to make informed in-season management decisions.
Scientific Summary
This project is dedicated to improvements in Agricultural Extension and is focussed on three main areas: Improved Information Gathering, Enhanced Extension Efforts, and Breaking Issue Support. Initiatives that will be supported with the Breaking Issue Support include soil nitrate survey, the vomitoxin survey, etc.
Information was disseminated through the following:
- Grower meeting presentations
- GOCorn and Field Crop News Websites
- Crop Advances Publications