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Election 2018 Priorities


The Ontario grains and oilseed sector is growing. Global demand for food is on the rise, technology is producing more grains on the same amount of land and markets are opening up with the introduction of new trade agreements.

We want to maximize these opportunities and we need the next government of Ontario to commit to four priorities.

Questions? Contact Victoria Berry, Manager, Communications at 519-767-2773.

Talk to your MPP today!

Growth Strategy

Assemble a nimble alliance of industry and government innovators under the leadership of the Premier to devise a growth strategy for the grains and oilseed sector.

Risk Management

BRM Programming that works for modern grains and oilseed farmers.

Public Trust

Instilling public trust by providing funding to build “Your Farm” a state-of –the-art agri-education facility that can be accessed by people around the world and will produce solutions to address societies challenges including climate change


Be an advocate for grains and oilseed in trade agreements including NAFTA, CPTPP and China


Include Ontario farmers in the exemption on farm fuel costs associated with Climate Change regulations of which other provinces are able to take advantage



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