2021 DON in corn – Disease management

Some areas of the province are experiencing weather conditions that could favour Fusarium/Gibberella infection in corn leading to an increased risk of the vomitoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON).
To mitigate these concerns of infection, farmers often apply a fungicide at pollination.
The list of commercially available fungicides that suppress the development of Gibberella and Fusarium in the ear includes (and may not be limited to):
- Caramba
- Proline 480
- Miravis Neo
Please note: no fungicide completely controls DON or the ear mould that causes DON toxin buildup.
For more information on product application, please visit OMAFRA publication 812 – Field Crop Protection Guide 2021 page 41 in the link:http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/pub812/pub812ch1.pdf. Always read and follow the label and directions. Proper application, and timing of application on live silks is key.
Speak with your retailer and/or agronomist
The best source of information on these products will be your retailer/agronomist. Talk to them to understand your options and product availability. Always read and follow the product label for directions for use and precautions.