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Grain Farmers of Ontario Statement Regarding Withdrawal of Membership from Grain Growers of Canada

Grain Farmers of Ontario has made the difficult decision to end its membership in the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC). Our organization was instrumental in helping to re-engage the industry with this organization and we were heavily invested in the success of the organization – whether by time or money – and we had great expectations for what a rejuvenated GGC could be.

The voice of grain farmers is needed at national policy discussions in many areas, however at this time, our farmer-members voices are not being represented in key areas effectively through GGC.

We remain:

  • Concerned that some of our key advocacy work would be hampered or undermined by conflicting GGC policy narrative
  • Unable to overlook issues with the structure of the organization and personality conflicts
  • Concerned with governance and regulation compliance

This decision was not made quickly or lightly in any way. Grain Farmers of Ontario shared background on all of these issues with GGC and they are aware of our reasons for leaving at this time.