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Organic Council of Ontario asking farmers for input

GUELPH, ON (December 21, 2016) – The Organic Council of Ontario has received funding to conduct a sector-wide assessment of barriers to growing the Ontario organic sector. As part of this assessment, they are reaching out to producers across the province to gather insight on their opinions and attitudes towards ‘organic’.

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Upon completion, your name will be entered into a raffle draw to win a prize.

Ontario boasts over $1 billion in sales of organic foods and yet only 2% of all agriculture in the province is organic. Why is the organic sector in Ontario growing so slowly in relation to demand? How can government and the industry help Ontario businesses capture this growth opportunity?

Help guide the future of organics in Ontario. Take OCO’s survey by January 28th for a chance to win.

Non-organic producers can take the survey here.

There is a separate survey for non-organic processors and handlers, which can be found here.
