Research Projects
Topic: Research Priorities
Research Projects
Canadian Field Crop Genetics Improvement Cluster, Activity 6: Breeding soybeans for adaptation to environment and emerging pests and concurrent development of molecular marker selection tools: Development of high yielding early maturity soybeans
Research Projects
Canadian Field Crop Genetics Improvement Cluster, Activity 7: Breeding soybeans for adaptation to environment and emerging pests and concurrent development of molecular marker selection tools: Development of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) resistant early matu
Research Projects
Breeding Eastern Canadian winter wheat for resistance to biotic and tolerance to abiotic stresses
Research Projects
Development of improved spring wheat cultivars with enhanced disease and pest resistance, higher nutritional benefits, and better market appeal and grain quality for eastern and central Canada
Research Projects
Identification of expression QTLs (eQTLs) for Fusarium head blight resistance and susceptibility in wheat
Research Projects
In vitro and in vivo amino acid digestibility of selected soybean, oat and wheat varieties to identify targets with high protein quality and digestibility for future variety development
Research Projects
Canadian Field Crop Genetics Improvement Cluster; Activity 5: “Short season soybean improvement”
Research Projects
Hard red winter wheat breeding for eastern Canada
Research Projects
Canadian Field Crop Genetics Improvement Cluster, Activity 8: Very short season herbicide tolerant soybean varieties adapted to the Canadian prairies
Research Projects
Evaluation of a new innovative method of increasing soybean yields through inoculating seeds or emergent plants with seed-dwelling cytokinin producing Methylobacterium
Research Projects
Disease Study Group: Focus on new and emerging soybean diseases
Research Projects
Using soil mineralizable nitrogen and climate factors to improve fertilizer N recommendations for corn in Ontario
News Releases
Grain Farmers of Ontario call for proposals
News Releases
Grain Farmers of Ontario is excited to announce the 2012 call for corn, soybean, and wheat research proposals